Pragma Profiles: Mark Snow, Our Business Development Manager

1 min read

Get to know our Business Development Manager, Mark Snow!


Current job: Business Development Manager

First job: Paper Boy

Favourite job (can’t be current job): Barman at Beach Bar in Australia

Favourite qualities in a person: Sense of humour

Your main fault: I have no patience

What do you appreciate in your friends most: Honesty

Your idea of happiness: Golf… but only when I play well

What is your favourite pastime: Reading, going to the cinema, running and swimming

Favourite band / musician / song: I love The Smiths and Radiohead

Favourite fictional hero or heroine: Spiderman… but with great power comes great responsibility

Best piece of advice: “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.” – Ferris Bueller

Best business decision: Getting into sales

Worst business decision: Working part time in a butchers. Definitely left an effect on me, and now I’m veggie.


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